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Genetic Testing: the Tool for Precision Medicine

Precision Medicine refers to the use of an individual's genetic information and data to identify a hereditary disorder, select proper medication and dosage, provide therapy, and launch preventive measures to avoid future complication that are likely to occur due to that genetic condition.

As some experts have put it precision medicine provides appropriate drugs at appropriate dose for appropriate patient at appropriate times. The concept is fairly simple and encourages reading about ethnic and geographical genetic disorders and understanding how could they potentially affect an individual. Of course family history of a disease is an essential reason for pursuing precision medicine.

Precision medicine could complement the shortcomings of traditional medicine where diagnosis is based on symptoms of a patient illness. Many physicians either do not have sufficient training in molecular medicine, which is a new topic, or ought to wait for symptoms to appear to prescribe genetic testing for their patients. A precision medicine approach directly examines the sources of a disorder through genetic testing and reveals the disease characteristics. One does not have to wait until the symptoms of a particular disease appear, or it gets more complicated, or in a few cases result in irreversible damage.

If you are concerned about your health and you are convinced that you have sufficient knowledge of genetic disorders, which could potentially affect you because of your ethnic background or family history then you should have the freedom to inquire about tests that would assist you in understanding your hereditary genetic make up.

Here we are doing our best to provide you with sufficient information about genetic tests offered through accredited laboratories. Our approach is very specific and we offer information for individual genetic disorder. The beauty of germline testing is that you only test once in your lifetime starting at birth. Please take a moment to read about genetic testing and information offered at Makgene.com.

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